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SNS Dipping powder 1oz



Orly have matched 32 of their top-selling colors so your inspiration never fades, from your fingers to your toes.

Power packed with vitamins, Gel FX is no ordinary gel manicure system.

Antioxidant vitamins A and E help to promote healthy nails while pro-vitamin B5 protects the structure of the natural nail.

Gel FX offers a high shine, no dulling, chip-free application that wears up to 2 weeks and soaks off in just 10-15 minutes.


Rhinestone Crystal AB - SS6 - 1440 pcs


Charm Gold - Char A (10 pieces a bag)


FingerHug QuikTear
Self-Adherent Flex Bandage
Blue Color

Soft, flexible, high strength fabric that wraps around your fingers or hands comfortably. Water-resistant and porous material will not loose by sweat or water, and allow skin to breathe. Quick and easy tear off.

Roll size :
1.5" x 5 yards (3.75x450 cm)


DL Nail Tip Design 70pcs/box #077


Dragon Y2K Size #16

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