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#23 - Capsicum
Giá Giá: $14.00Giá: $10.95Giá: $89.95Giá: $14.95Giá: $2.50Giá: $2.50Giá: $8.99Giá: $0.20Giá: $1.49Giá: $7.00
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Mô tả Sản phẩm

How to Apply Nitro Dip Powder:

Step 1: Shape nail with a dry manicure by pushing back cuticles and lightly buffing the nail bed. Apply No. 1 Bonder to the clean nail.

Step 2: Apply a thin coat of No. 2 Color Base over the entire nail. Then dip nail into Dip Powder Color of your choice, tap off excess.

Step 3: Repeat the step 2 for the second time. And then apply No. 3 Activator over powdered nails. Let air dry for 1-2 minutes, then file and shape nail.

Step 4: Apply No. 4 Shiny Top as thin as possible. Let air dry and repeat the same for the second time.

Step 5: Apply No. 5 Vitamin Oil to nourish cuticle nail area and then massage the hands to finish.


Rechargeable Electric Nail File

Portable, rechargeable electric nail file gives you the freedom to bring it on the go and file anywhere! Comes with a convenient, adjustable waist belt to store the control box during use. Uses standard 3/32" bits and includes the following bits in a storage case: 6 metal bits (pointed, football, cone, thin barrel, thick barrel, sanding band) and 6 sanding bands (2 medium, 4 coarse) Features: Rechargeable battery that lasts up to 4 hours Compact control box Voltage: 100-240V input; 12V, 1A output 25,000 RPM plug Digital power and battery level display AC adapter with hand piece Multiple operation modes: forward and reverse Rubber stand for Instruction manual Easy-to-use speed control knob 


UP200 Drill Machine Cover Box (1)


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Sanding Bands 100 psc - Medium

Sticky Base Coat 8oz Charm Gold - A102 Each Yoby Nail Art

Made in USA
Recommended by Doctors
Arthritis Pain Reliever
Capsicum Plus contains purified Capsicum, a natural ingredient that is recommended by more doctors than all other topical analgesic combined. The warming properties of Capsicum, when used topically, are useful for people suffering from joint pain to the hands and feet and other related conditions
Green or red peppers. Capsicum is also commonly known as red pepper, cayenne pepper, and chili pepper. The dried ripe fruit of Capsicum frutescence and Capsicum annum is rich in the phytochemical capsaicin, which is the active phytochemical constituent responsible for the pungent and irritating effects of cayenne pepper.
Commonly used to buffer pain from other ailments, including arthritis, varicose veins, headaches, menstrual cramps and respiratory conditions such as asthma.
Applied externally, over-the-counter creams and ointments containing capsaicin are often effective in relieving the pain of either osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. Capsaicin depletes pain fibers of substance P (a neurotransmitter that mediates the transmission of pain impulses from peripheral nerves to the spinal cord). As a result, even though the condition causing the pain continues, no perception of that pain reaches the brain.
Topical used: arthritis, post-herpetic neuralgia, pain, Useful for arthritis and rheumatism. When applied topically acts as a counterirritant to relieve pain symptoms.
Indications: Arthritis, Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Strains & Sprains
Directions: Adults and children 2 years of age older: apply to affected area not more than 3 to 4 times daily. Wash hands with soap and water after applying. Children under 2 years of age: consult a physician.
Package: Net Wt. 2 oz (56.8g)
Active Ingredients:
Methyl Salicylate ................10%
Oleoresin Capsicum ............ 11%
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