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Apple - Wall Polish Rack - Pink Color (100 bottles)


How to Apply Nitro Dip Powder:

Step 1: Shape nail with a dry manicure by pushing back cuticles and lightly buffing the nail bed. Apply No. 1 Bonder to the clean nail.

Step 2: Apply a thin coat of No. 2 Color Base over the entire nail. Then dip nail into Dip Powder Color of your choice, tap off excess.

Step 3: Repeat the step 2 for the second time. And then apply No. 3 Activator over powdered nails. Let air dry for 1-2 minutes, then file and shape nail.

Step 4: Apply No. 4 Shiny Top as thin as possible. Let air dry and repeat the same for the second time.

Step 5: Apply No. 5 Vitamin Oil to nourish cuticle nail area and then massage the hands to finish.


Beautiful, long-lasting gel nails are as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!! Artistic developed a quick and simple system to achieve long-lasting gel manicures and pedicures. This system is so easy you can give yourself a perfect manicure that will not fade or chip for a very long time. Gel polish looks exactly like regular polish, however it does not chip or ware down as nail polish does. Your manicures will last up to three weeks and pedicures twice as long. Each bottle of polish produces 40 full sets of glamorous, shining color. Gel polish dries in a fraction of the time regular nail polish does and will not smudge. Even removing the product only takes 15 minutes and causes absolutely no damage to the natural nail.

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