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Mô tả Sản phẩm  

Perfect for: Softening & Hydrating

Dead Sea Salt is the finest quality salt you can find on the planet. We’ve combined it with precious certified organic ingredients and oils to create a powerful, yet gentle detoxifying soak. Blended with Argan Oil from Morocco, Vitamin E, Arnica Flower Extract and Spearmint Oil, this is the first step in our signature organic experience for hands, feet and body. *Step 1 of our 4-Step System.



Orly have matched 32 of their top-selling colors so your inspiration never fades, from your fingers to your toes.

Power packed with vitamins, Gel FX is no ordinary gel manicure system.

Antioxidant vitamins A and E help to promote healthy nails while pro-vitamin B5 protects the structure of the natural nail.

Gel FX offers a high shine, no dulling, chip-free application that wears up to 2 weeks and soaks off in just 10-15 minutes.


Cabide Bit - Medium - Silver - Big Head - 3/32


Glam & Glits - 48 - Demure - 1 oz


3D Nail Art Stars- Purple-3D01

Countains 350pcs in a countainer.


Magic Kolinsky Germany Size #22


Finest Kolinsky Size #22

Joby Nail - CA-01
Joby Nail - IN-01
Joby Nail - DF-07
Joby Nail  - JB01
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